LLC "Legal Collection" is a company providing full complex of services in collection of overdue debts of individuals and legal entities, including settlement and debt collection at the soft and hard stage of collection, legal collection and high bailiff stage of collection.
Legal Collection is the dynamically developing company, the main business principles which are legality, honesty and responsibility, and constructive approach to every aspect of the debt. The company is focused on servicing the debt market of microfinance organizations (MFI), banks, building services debts and debts of legal entities.
Currently, the concession portfolio of company is about 300 million rubles.
The company has additional offices in Kemerovo, and Orenburg regions and the Republic of Tatarstan and representatives in Leningrad, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Ulyanovsk regions and Republic of Bashkortostan.